Does this sound familiar?

Do you struggle with anxiety and live your life planning the future?

Have you read a few “self-help” books, but aren’t seeing results?

Are you thinking too much in your head planning and strategizing?

Have you lost connection to yourself and your heart?

Are you overworked and underpaid?

Do you feel frustrated that you aren’t where you thought you’d be by now?

Do you consider yourself a highly sensitive person?

Do you try and “control” life and unknown outcomes?

Are you a worrier?

If yes, I relate and I’m here to help.

How we got here…

You know the moment you are born that you are perfect, whole, and complete and connected to God, Universe or Source infinitely. What happens is, as we experience life we begin to form our belief system. Our parents, friends, teachers, siblings, environment, culture, etc. all have direct influences on our programing and conditioning. So that’s the lens you see the world through.

We disconnect from our authentic selves and forget who we really are and our worth. Many people go through life unconscious of these beliefs, until something changes. Often times you experience a wake up call, a traumatic event, pain, a massive life change, illness, that forces you to re-evaluate your life. Or your life appears like you have everything together, but you may feel so unhappy and empty on the inside. Or you may have fallen into the trap of “adulting” and forget to enjoy life’s gifts.

Whatever your life’s path, we generally begin to search for something to fulfill that God shaped hole within through unhealthy compensation. You do not have to go through the unknown alone. That’s I’m here to as you’re certified Coach to support in your through your journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and self-acceptance.

Holistic Coaching

We are complex beings and in order to provide the best structured support, my approach is work with you on all aspects of self. When we address these areas holistically (mind, body, and spirit), we create more fulfillment and balance, and ultimately happiness in life.

I aim to make people feel connected to their body, mind and soul, which helps in understanding the purpose of their life. I creatively combine energy healing and life coaching to remove blocks to create a holistic harmonious life. I help my multi-passionate clients to re-discover themselves, their souls purpose, and spiritual gifts. I teach my clients how to tap in, tune in, and trust the intuition within themselves. I make use of spiritual and strategic coaching to help my clients realize their innate worth and support their healing journey.

The Process

I used a focused combination of intuitive coaching and clearing old patterns and beliefs that are holding you back. I support clients in structured sessions where I assist you in uncovering your own answers

We’ll select an area of your life that you are wanting to make a change in or a current issue you are struggling with.

We set an intention for our time together and I’ll create a tailored coaching package that may use multiple tools to assist in accessing both the 5% conscious mind and the 95% of our mind (subconscious/unconscious) where our beliefs systems and experiences are stored.

Tools include, but not limited to:

  • Meditation/Guided visualizations

  • Intuition Writing/Guidance

  • Universal Spirituality and Prayer

  • Crystals

  • Oracle/Tarot Cards

  • Postive Affirmations

  • Emotional Release Work

  • Inner Child Healing

  • Reiki Energy work is available as an add on to coaching sessions

The Experience

  • 3 months

  • 2 sessions/month

  • 1:1 private coaching

  • Session are conducted virtually through Zoom platform

  • 6 session package for consistent structured support


Experience the transformation of Holistic Coaching

Inner peace, joy, balance, and harmony


Clarity, Creativity, and Confidence

A toolkit to support you throughout life’s changes


A deeper connection to yourself and to universal consciousness and source